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Below are our policies for your reference.  If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please contact the school office. If you would like a copy of any of our documents please contact the school office (

  1. Accessibility Plan
  2. Accounting_Policy
  3. Admission Criteria 2025-2026
  4. Anti Harassment and Anti Bullying Policy
  5. Anti-Bullying Policy 24
  6. Appraisal Policy
  7. Asthma_Care_Plan
  8. Attendance Management of Staff Policy
  9. Attendance Policy
  10. Capability of staff Policy
  11. Charging and Remissions Policy
  12. Child Protection and Safeguarding
  13. Code of Conduct Policy (FHP) Sept 2022-2025
  14. Competetive Tendering
  15. Data Protection Policy
  16. Designated Teacher For Looked After and Previously Looked After
  17. Equalities Statement and Objectives
  18. Exclusion Policy 24
  19. EYFS
  20. Financial Regulations Policy Update
  21. First Aid policy
  22. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
  23. Gifts and Hospitality
  24. Governors allowance Policy
  25. Health and Safety Policy
  26. Home School Agreement
  27. Intimate Care Policy
  28. Investment Policy
  29. Low Level Concerns Policy
  30. Mobile Phone Policy
  31. Newly Qualified Teacher NQT Policy
  32. Online safety policy
  33. Pay Policy
  34. Positive Behaviour Policy 2024
  35. Premises Management Policy
  36. Privacy Notices
  37. Recruitment Policy
  38. Recruitment Policy (FHP) Sept 2022-2025
  39. Relationships and Sex Education Policy
  40. Remote Learning Policy
  41. Roles and Responsibilities of Governance at Blue Bell Hill Partnership Trust
  42. Scheme of Delegation
  43. School minibus policy
  44. Security Policy
  45. SEND Information Report 23 24
  46. SFA Blue Bell Hill[91]
  47. Special Educational Needs Policy 23 24
  48. Staff Code of Conduct
  49. Staff Disciplinary Procedure
  50. Supporting pupils with medical conditions needs and medicines in school policy 24
  51. Teacher Appraisal Policy
  52. Teachers Pay Policy
  53. Uniform policy
  54. Visitor Policy
  55. Whisteblowing Policy 2023