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At Blue Bell Hill, we aim to allow every child to leave our school as a confident and skilled mathematician.

In Foundation we follow the revised 2023 EYFS Development matters framework and our carefully designed Blue Bell Hill curriculum. As well as number, we provide opportunities for the children to problem solve, understand and use shapes, measure and develop their own spatial awareness. We teach short maths lessons each week, which can take place both indoors and outdoors, through a wide range of practical and engaging activities using Maths No Problem. In Nursery, we explore maths through resources, songs and games and in Reception we build on and develop new skills in order to apply understanding. Our environment across the Foundation unit provides opportunities for children to access maths through continuous provision. We also plan enhanced activities to explore concepts further and engage in focused play.


In Years 1 – 6 we follow Maths No Problem, which breaks down the National Curriculum into a coherent learning journey. NCETM and NRICH resources are used alongside the Maths No Problem scheme when teachers identify further learning time is needed on a particular area and practical lessons may be included within the sequence using resources. We also have a focus on times tables throughout school using our Superhero Times Tables, then for certain year groups a times table mini test is completed everyday learning the times tables relevant for the year group. Some year groups then have a focus on using the ipads to complete these as well.


Key skills we focus on within our lessons:

· Key vocabulary: Building on their knowledge and understanding on mathematical vocabulary.

· Fluency: Learning and knowing key facts, including number bonds and times tables, with a focus of the children becoming efficient with their calculations and noticing relationships and links to support the accuracy of their arithmetic.

· Reasoning: Regular opportunities to engage in rich, meaningful mathematical talk, allowing children to explain their answers and thoughts.

· Problem solving: Regular opportunities for children to solve problems where they have to really think.

Each child also has their own individual login for Times Table Rockstars so they can practise their multiplication and division skills in school and at home. Year 6 will also have a log in for Monster Sats