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Welcome to the website for Blue Bell Hill Primary School – my name is Rebecca Martin and I am lucky enough to be the headteacher at this amazing school which sits at the heart of a passionate, multicultural, diverse community.

I work alongside a team of fantastic talented individuals who strive every day to make sure the journey of a child through Blue Bell is one of Aiming High and Respecting and Caring for Ourselves and Each Other.  Keep reading to find out more about who we are and what we are about. Mrs R.Martin - Headteacher. 

At Blue Bell Hill Primary, our pupils will be positive, passionate and empowered individuals; ready to face the challenges and opportunities that await them. Alongside academic achievements, our success can be measured with the children’s happiness and confidence to leave Blue Bell Hill being a curious and well-rounded life-long learner.

Our inclusive curriculum will enable children to leave our school as members of society who feel optimistic about their future.  They will know who they are as individuals, and value themselves and others. They will have a strong moral understanding of what is right and wrong, both in school and in the wider community. They will have respect for rules, and be ambitious, driven people, who have the willpower to stand by their convictions with integrity.  They will be brave enough to take risks to further their learning and experiences.

At our school, children will be encouraged to be resilient, independent people. They will show compassion and kindness to others, and be able to build and sustain healthy relationships with those around them. Through a rigorous approach to learning, children will leave our school having been exposed to high quality teaching in all curriculum subjects. They will be competent mathematicians and writers, and have a wider understanding of the world and their community through visits, experiences and opportunities that we will provide to enrich their awareness of the world around them.

Children at Blue Bell Hill will be proud of their school, their work and their community. Through a balance of rigorous academic learning and wider world experiences, they will gain valuable memories, which will open up opportunities as they enter a new environment. Our children will be able to recognise their own skills and achievements, eloquently explaining these, no matter how small and be able to celebrate their successes.

They will be inquisitive learners and be aware of their responsibility to make the world a better place. They will understand the consequences of their actions big and small, and the impact they can have on other people around them, and society as a whole.

At its core, our curriculum will endeavour to ensure children leave our school equipped with the tools to make the right decisions in life for them and to ensure that they have happy, fulfilled futures. Our curriculum will give children all the tools they need to, ‘Aim High’ and, continue on the journey of being the best they can be ‘Respecting Themselves and Each Other’.